
Synonymous with British summertime these plump, verdant, vibrant baskets of blossoms offer numerous choices when it comes to shape, style and planting.

This much-loved Henchman barrow won’t win any beauty competitions but it's still going strong after 15 years of constant use!

Thinking about the maximum working height for ladders is something which anyone who often uses a ladder needs to do on a regular basis.

What makes tripod ladders the best ladders for hedge cutting? Henchman Ladders are designed for gardening tasks like trimming hedges, pruning trees, and maintaining topiary.

Understanding the different types of ladders and what they’re used for will help you determine which is the most suitable for the job you want to do.

When it comes to choosing the best tripod ladder most people will be looking for the perfect combination of safety, durability and convenience.