Henchman Barrow Going Strong for 15 Years

Man sat on ride on mower with wheelbarrow trailer attached

This much-loved Henchman barrow won’t win any beauty competitions but it's still going strong after 15 years of constant use! Owner Tim Hanbury spotted the barrow on the Henchman stand at a RHS show and bought one.  It looked to be the perfect piece of kit for his garden and paddock in Chipping Norton, where he and his wife keep and train dressage horses.

Hardwearing wheelbarrows built to last

Tim's Henchman barrow has been hard at work on a daily basis since 2003. When a holding spring bolt on the optional tow bar accessory finally gave way recently he was bereft. Everything else on the barrow was still in perfect working order – so he approached Henchman head office to see if it might be possible to get a replacement part. The good news was delivered by Henchman’s Helen Crapnell who was delighted to inform Tim that the necessary wheelbarrow replacement parts were in stock and would be in the post that evening.

Unlock maximum value with Henchman Wheelbarrow Spares 

Explained Tim: “It was such a relief to be able to get the spare parts we needed to keep our Henchman barrow in service! It’s irreplaceable – no other product could ever come near. “We have a very large garden, woods and a paddock, all of which we keep to a very high standard and the barrow helps us get jobs done far quicker. We spend seven days a week in the garden and with the dressage horses and tow our trusty Henchman barrow behind a quadbike. We use it for everything from collecting grass, hedge cuttings and leaves to moving stones for walling, carrying water buckets to the paddocks and picking up horse poo! “Every part is fantastic. It's easy to tip, the bucket part can easily be lifted out, it's light, very strong and has few moving parts".

Considering how much it has been used and abused for all these years it is only slight broken and even continues to work with the wheels held on by bits of plumbers’ plastic pipe and string on the metal frame as the tipping device no longer works.” Now a delighted Tim is looking forward to the repaired barrow giving another 15 years of service.

Order wheelbarrow accessories today!  

We believe in long product lifecycles so that our customers can enjoy years of functionality. Avoiding fast plastic cycles is also central to the Henchman sustainability spirit, and we're glad to support the fixing of our barrows so they can continue to serve. Browse our barrow spares today!

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