We are happy to discuss legislation in further detail (please contact Tom Kitching, MD) with regard our products or your individual circumstances. However please note we engage in such discussion in a spirit of helpfullness and, not being Health and Safety officers or Executives, can not give definitive information regading the law and can not take repsonsibility for any decision making on behalf of others.
Nuisance Hedge Legislation
If you feel you are disadvantaged by a neighbour's hedge, the Nuisance Hedge Legislation can give your recourse in law to require the hedge to be reduced to no more than 2 metres in height.
The Bill became law as part of the Anti-Social Behaviour Bill in November 2003. (In the House of Commons debate, Henchman Ltd. was commended as 'one of our most entrepreneurial companies' in our efforts to promote safe hedge cutting).
In April 2005 implementation procedures became law.
Work at Height Regualtions 2005 (WAHR)
Derives from the EU Directive 2001/45
Passed through Parliament in April 2005. The Regulations have the force of the law under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
Have been subjected to wide consultation including 3 submissions from Henchman Ltd.
Everyone except the private householder who cuts his own hedges is governed by WAHR.
Employees and self employed will run the risk of negating their insurance cover by flaunting WAHR, as well as increasing the likelihood of falls and injuries.
The Henchman Hi-Step and Wheeled Henchman range meet the requirements of WAHR.